Diabetes and Maths
Please note that this website has not been sanctioned by either Diabetes UK or by NHS England.  However, I do ask people from both organisations to vet the entries I will be adding to it, in case of obvious errors.

Also, from time to time you will see entries here which relate to my own experience of diabetes.  It is not a suggestion to any other diabetic as to how they should deal with their own diabetes.  Anyone who has issues with their diabetes should seek the help and advice of a healthcare professional.

Where to Find Out More

Diabetes and Maths - Where to Find Out More

Visit the website for Diabetes UK - if you click on the logo shown right it will open the website in a new window.  On it you can find just about anything you need.  It provides a wealth of information both to diabetics and those involved in their care.
There are volunteer speakers for Diabetes UK across the country, so there may be a presentation happening near you which it might be possible to attend.  If not, consider the possibility of booking a speaker to do a presentation at some social club you are a member of, or perhaps at your place of work.  With about 4.5 million diabetics in the UK, diabetes in the workplace (and how to deal with it) is something all organisations need to consider - especially as diabetes- -related problems currently cost the UK business economy about £15 Billion each year - and that is on top of the cost to the NHS - which is more than £13 Billion each year.
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